Welcome to CMN Support Services Limited

CMN Support Services Limited is a UK registered company and part of the same conglomerate that owns CMN (Construction Mécaniques de Normandie), the world famous French builder of the Combattante series of missile fast attack craft and Vigilante patrol boats.

The principal business of CMN Support Services Limited (CMNSSL) is the provision of operation and maintenance training for ship crews and base maintainers for warships and other paramilitary specialist ship types, with a strong emphasise towards "hands-on" ship familiarisation training.

The training services are provided either directly to naval customers or through a shipbuilder on occasions when new ships are under construction for the client navy. Instructional courses are based normally at the client navy's premises, at equipment supplier premises and / or at the shipbuilder's shipyard.

Training in more generalised subjects is also offered to a wider range of defence organisations. Courses include English language, Integrated Logistic Support (ILS) and basic technical and academic training.

Established in 1993, the current headquarters of CMNSSL are located in the North East of England, where the latest electronic publishing equipment and multi-media facilities are used to generate comprehensive training aids and student documentation. The headquarters are shared with its sister company Sir Joseph Isherwood Limited, a provider of ILS systems and services. Together the companies have a customer base of over 100 distributed throughout the world in over 40 countries.

CMNSSL Headquarters CMNSSL Headquarters 2

CMNSSL Headquarters - Newcastle-upon-Tyne - UK